![]() | Sr. Coordinator, Dr. Rajender Kumar Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mandkola Contact No : 01662255328, 9899540129 Email : kvkmandkola@hau.ac.in |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mandkola (Mewat) came into existence on 7.4.2007. It is a premier centre devoted to the cause of farming community of the district. Mewat being a backward and disadvantage district, like all other developmental perspectives, the pace of agricultural development has also not been up to the mark. There is a considerable gap between the actual yields realized and potential yields. To bridge this gap, Krishi Vigyan Kendras are proving the most efficient effective tool by way of demonstration and transfer of latest technologies in agriculture and allied fields. At the same time, KVKs are generating feedback for need-based future planning. The new concept of KVKs has assumed much greater relevance and significance as the KVKs are also required to supply seeds, planting material, organic and bio-fertilizers and diagnostic and soil and water testing services to the farmers within the district.
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