![]() | R-ABI (RKVY-RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubator) :Strengthening of existing Agribusiness Incubation Centre(ABIC) | ![]() |
Agriculture is the primary sector of our economy and majority of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture and its allied sectors. Not only it meets the food and nutritional requirements of 1.3 billion Indians, it contributes significantly to production, employment and demand generation through various backward and forward linkages. India has traversed its destination from “begging bowl” to self sufficiency in food production after green revolution and now the focus is shifting from food security to nutritional security. Food Security Act passed by the Government along with entrepreneurship schemes will certainly help to attain food and nutrition security. It has been predicted that the population of India will reach around 1.5 billion by 2030, which maycreate a wide gap to achieve food and nutrition security. The secondary agriculture including processing, value addition and adoption of new technologies is the present need for the prosperity of population, which can effectively increase the profitability of farmer, help in employment generation and reduce the losses in handling and transportation. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. NarendraModi has also emphasized “Strengthening Agriculture – is the only way to improve our economy, empower our youth and bring prosperity to our villages. The need of the hour is to increase Productivity and focus on Value Addition by assimilating the latest technology and global best practices”
Haryana is one of the smallest states in India with 4.4 million hectares of land but the sizes of holdings are decreasing with sub-divisions. At present, more than 67.58 per cent of the farmers are having less than 1.5 ha of operational holdings and could not derive adequate benefit from production activity alone. Emphasis on secondary agriculture and entrepreneurshipseems to be one of the solutions to this problem. The strategic location of Haryana near NCR region provide ample opportunity to develop agro based industries and to train rural youth in agriculture and other allied disciplines for entrepreneurship.
Haryana is a major producer of food grains, arid-horticulture crops, milk and poultry etc.,however, the post harvest management and marketing of produce is a challenge. There is a dearth of organized small and medium enterprises in the state and lack of know-how with regard to technology, quality assurance, safety and other management issues. This calls for promotion and development of strong entrepreneurship programs in the state through skill development and setting up of business incubators to start ups.
CCS Haryana Agricultural University is imparting education in agriculture and allied sciences, with its decade’s long experience and background in agriculture, agribusiness and rural development, is establishing NABARD sponsored Agri Business Incubation Centre ( ABIC) to boost the entrepreneurship/industry in agriculture and allied areas. The University have expertise in quality assurance, marketing and developed various technologies in areas related to production and protection of different crops, development of new varieties, farm management, floriculture, tissue culture, nursery raising, apiculture, post harvest management, food processing and engineering aspects etc. In addition, the university can also provide guidance and trainings on sustainable agriculture, organic/precision farming, mushroom production, bio-waste and agri-waste management, composting, biogas and biofertilizer production, which will not only add to the income of the farmers but also will help in protecting the environment. The University is consistently trying to reach the real clients for transfer of technologies through its extension network of KVKs, but to compete in the era of globalization and commercialization, there is a need to promote agri-business/entrepreneur using technology and expertise available with the university.Business Planning & Development (BPD) Unit and IPR Cell of CCSHAU, Hisar has also taken initiatives in developing entrepreneurship through training & transfer of technology for young, small and medium entrepreneurs. Seventy four entrepreneurs have registered themselves as members, 280 companies and two NGOs have also joined hands with the BPD Unit. Five entrepreneurs are successfully running their respective businesses by adopting technologies developed by the University.
It was realized that most of the unemployed educated youth generally don’t have competence/expertise and infrastructure facilities for starting business unit in agriculture and allied disciplines. Moreover, they lack know-how about technologies, quality assurance and certification procedures and their implementation. In order to strengthen the entrepreneurial activities in the agricultural related fields in the state and to fill up the exiting gap, NABARD has sanctioned fundsfor setting up Agri BusinessIncubation Centre in a premier institution like CCS HAU, Hisar, which will provide guidance, technology and infrastructure to needy youth/ entrepreneurs for Start ups in different areas of agriculture like crop production, crop protection, biofertilizer production, as well as processing and value addition of Agri produce with the emphasis on quality assurance & safety parameters, certification, branding and marketing of different products.
Current trend of subsidence agriculture is posing lot of distress among rural communities. Aim of the proposed R-ABI is to ignite, catalyze and endure the entrepreneurial opportunities available at the doorsteps of the youth/students/entrepreneur within the agricultural production catchment. The proposed R-ABI at CCSHAU will focus on capacity building through counseling, training and business advisory services related to agriculture and allied areas for helping the entrepreneurs for starting, running and sustaining the business. The centre thus developed will commercialize the available technologies and help the client to shape & incubate their ideas, and to develop skill for establishing own units/ startups, resulting in economic development of the state.